We travelled from Watch Hill in Rhode Island where we had spent the fourth to Cuttyhunk in the Elizabeth islands of Cape Cod.
NOAA had predicted light winds instead we got 25 knots and by the end of the day 6 foot seas. Not a problem as it was behind us and it was taking us fast to our destination but our dinghy was surfing down the waves hard enough to hit the boat and then get jerked as the Alice took the slack of the line up. It was enough to damage the painter attachment point.
We played with how much line we let out to stop the surfing but by then the damage was done. In retrospect we should have put the dinghy on deck but had expected light winds so didn't. Lesson learned..

We spent a windy night anchored in the outside harbor of Cuttyhunk and then left early to meet up with our friends Josh and Naomi and their kids Yacob and Jasmine. Josh and Naomi summer in Woods Hole where their family has a summer place. We anchored on the Buzzard's Bay side just in front of their association beach. Was really great, the kids played and swam hunted for creatures and got along really well.

Meanwhile Josh helped me fix the dinghy. They very kindly gave us the tour of the local area including the aquarium and part of the institute's tanks which house everything from Fiddler crabs to squid, lobster, dogfish and much more. Definitely a highlight. We also heard and participated in local folk singing on Tuesday nights a Wood's hole tradition for over 40 years.

Here the kids are setting up a trap to catch fish in Eel pond. One of the local restaurants nicely donated their old bread to the kids.

Here is one of the touch tanks at the institute, Josh is handling a blue lobster. Great stuff for the kids and us.

We spent a few days there with many excursions into town, here the kids are playing soccer at Josh and Naomi's place.

We left Wood's Hole with the end of the current as it rips through theWoods Hole cut. Josh, Naomi and kids joined us for the sail to Martha's Vineyard, where they planned to return via ferry later in the day.

Josh cranking in the Yankee.

Naomi and Jasmine up forward.

We all took the bus to Oak Bluffs, and then went to the Flying Horses a merry go round carousel where you have the additional challenge of trying to grab small rings as you go around. If you get a brass ring you get to ride again. The kids really dug this.

Here is Dakota trying to get a ring. It looks static here in the picture but when the carousel is moving right along its pretty exciting!

The horses are all antiques, you stack your rings on a rod on top of the horse's head.

Of course there was ice cream. This is the "kiddy size" in Oak Bluffs.

In Oak Bluffs there is a section of town that is all Ginger Bread cottages, these started in 1835 as tents where people would get together for religous congregations. Apparently these were huge events with each mainland church having it's own tent. Over time these tents got roofs and eventually evolved to these cottages. They are arranged in a semicircle around an area called the Tabernacle where the preaching happened.

All in all we had an excellent time with Olins-Beal family, thanks for the great time guys!