This picture is of Dakota cutting bait for fishing in Oriental. I include it to show how far we have come as parents: notice the ultra sharp
fillet knife that Dakota carefully and competently used to slice his fish up. The kids had a blast fishing and playing on these docks, they wore themselves right out to the point where they were so tired they were in tears at night, complaining that their legs hurt etc.

I wanted to show some pictures of the people we met that made Oriental such a wonderful and special stop for us. This is Jodi and Mitchell. They were really wonderful and funny and we hope that they continue to make their trips on Scarlet and the next one that Mitchell designed and is building himself!

Below is
Sigi and Joe, a lovely German couple that have lived in the US for many years and were so kind and generous.
Sigi made the kids peanut butter cookies designed like mice the first day we arrived and we spent lots of time chatting on the docks or in the Bean (coffee shop).

The last night in Oriental Melinda and Kieth invited us to have dinner at their home. We eagerly accepted and had a great time! Melinda has planted wonderful gardens all around their home and Keith is behind the awesome web site . Gil and Laura (below) came as well and it all made for a fun evening. Such a treat for us to have a social evening! Laura spent a lot of time with the kids drawing and we all shared life experiences. For a look at the kids on their website click on this link:
Keith and Melinda, thank you for opening your home to us!!

We also met Marvin Bullock, a local realtor (if you ever need to buy in the Oriental area he's the man!), he gave us a tour of the area and also brought us the paper that Dakota and Alistair were in. This shows why we choose to stay an extra day, who wouldn't?!
We headed for Ocracoke in the outer banks the next day and after a some what gruelling motor sail we made it and were pleased to find a very protected anchorage, snug and peaceful.
The next day we went into town and went to see the lighthouse, the second oldest in the us, I believe. We could not go to the top but were able to enter the base and talk to a nice ranger.

window shot.

After the light house we stopped at the Jolly Roger for refreshments for it was scorching hot and we got a wee thirsty. So the following pics are from the restaurant deck as we
rehydrated with sodas and
Yeungling lager.

Feeling much better!
1 comment:
Hey Laurel, Are you ever coming home? It does look like you are having a wonderful time and the kids will have great memories. But we miss u.
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